Red boat

Jane Dougherty zendt deze woorden vol kleur en hoop in een wereld vol duisternis.
Jane Dougherty sends these colourful words of hope into a world full of darkness.
Peter Bouchier

Jane Dougherty Writes


My green pen draws a red boat
With a cargo of words in its hold
A cargo of shoots and delving roots
A floating forest of stories painted
All the colours of morning.

Red boat on a green sea
With blue wind in its sails.
On the rim of the sky a yellow sun hangs
And white gulls soar
Through a rainbow of mist.

Boat is fire-red sea glass-green
Reflecting a sky the colour of hope.
From the horizon the sun shows the way
And prow breaks the waves in a rainbow of spume
To follow the call of the gulls.

Red boat on a green sea
Sailing east with a cargo of dreams.
Take me with you into the morning
For the west is blood red and tints the green sea
With the death of aeons of suns.

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